Welcome to Audubon

A reformed, evangelical church in Laurel, Mississippi


Sunday Morning Worship

Sunday School at 9:30am
Worship Service at 10:30am

Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer

All Church Worship at 6:15pm
Bible Study & Prayer at 6:30pm (adults)
Kingdom Seekers at 6:30pm (children)

Regular Office Hours

Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 4:00pm
(Off each day for lunch from 12:00 - 1:00pm)

What To Expect

Our main purpose in worship at our church in Laurel MS is to contemplate and celebrate the glory of God in Christ Jesus. Our gatherings focus on hearing from God and responding to Him. As a result, we are a Word-centered congregation. Each Sunday, by God's grace, we seek to: 


  • Read the Word
  • Sing the Word
  • Pray the Word
  • Preach the Word


Our preaching is expository in that our pastors seek to proclaim faithfully the intended meaning of the Scriptures. We publicly devote ourselves to prayer as an expression of our dependence on the Lord, and we see the gracious work of God displayed visibly to us through celebrating baptisms and the Lord’s Supper.

Audubon Basics

If your family is planning on joining us for Sunday School, we recommend arriving by 9:15 AM so that everyone can have plenty of time to find their class. If you will be joining us for the 10:30 AM service, we recommend that you arrive by 10:15 AM so that you have time to check your younger children into the nursery and make your way to the sanctuary.

We are a congregation committed to services centered around the Scriptures, so you can expect that we will sing, pray, read, and preach the Word of God.
Our music will focus on biblically-rich content and our pastors preach expositionally, with faithful biblical interpretation and application to our lives. 
Most worship services last from 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM and include the following components:
  • Prelude (Congregational Singing)
  • Announcements & Call to Worship
  • Congregational Singing (2 songs)
  • Scripture Reading
  • Congregational Singing (2 songs)
  • Pastoral Psalm & Prayer
  • Expositional Sermon
  • Benediction

*We celebrate the Lord's Supper once a month. To keep it as safe as possible, we will provide individually-packaged Lord's Supper elements in the foyer upon your arrival. When applicable, we celebrate Believer's Baptism publicly at the conclusion of the worship service.

When it comes to clothing, our people cross the spectrum - some being fairly casual, while others prefer to wear business attire or suits. You'll find our leadership dressed in either suits or business casual, but you are welcome to wear whatever works best for your family.

Ages: Birth - 3 Years
Our nursery is available for babies, walkers, and toddlers during both the Sunday School hour (9:30 - 10:30 AM) and the Worship Service (10:30 AM - Noon) . We have trained staff ready to care for your little ones. Please visit our children's ministry page for more information about childcare.
Ages: 4+ Years
We have children's Sunday School classes for children at the same time as our Adult Sunday School classes (9:30 AM - 10:30 AM). Currently, we are teaching the children curriculum from "Desiring God."
We are a church that values having children join us in the primary worship service as soon as they are able. As parents, it is a joy to have kids learning what it means to worship God right beside us by singing, praying, hearing the Scripture read, and sitting under the weekly preaching of our pastor. We firmly believe God will bless our families as we make this commitment with one another. We realize this can be a difficult process for kids to participate in a 90 minute service, so we want to come alongside parents and help in any way that we can. Each Sunday, we will provide a children's service bulletin for children to interact with the service.

We have a nursing mother's room located in a separate, adjacent room to the Ladies Restroom. The nursing mother's room includes a rocking chair, changing table, and some infant supplies (i.e. diapers, wipes, lotion, etc.). There is a speaker located in the room, so that mothers can still participate in the service.

Yes! We have a member of our church who is a trained sign language interpreter (ASL). She is available to assist with sign language during the Worship Service. Please get in touch with the church office for more details. 

Yes! Each Wednesday evening (during the school year), we gather together at the church.
  • 6:15pm - All-Church Worship
  • 6:30pm - Adult Bible Study & Prayer and Kingdom Seekers (children)
In addition, we also have our small group ministry (Koinonia Groups) that meet every-other-week in members' homes. Please CLICK HERE to find out more about our small group ministry.
Audubon Drive Bible Church is not affiliated with any particular denomination.  We are an independent, reformed, evangelical church. We are associated with the Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals (FIRE), a fellowship (not denomination) of like-minded churches.